
We cannot provide legal advice to people who are not our clients. The information on this website is not legal advice, but provides general information only. You should not rely on this information to determine your legal rights and obligations. If you have specific legal concerns, we strongly recommend that you obtain legal advice directly from a lawyer. If you would like to speak with or retain lawyer at Christensen Law Firm, please contact us at 519 654 7350 or through our website contact page.


When Todd approached me, I offered him a trial as one of the firms we used. A year into the scheduled 18-month pilot, he had delivered impressive results. His firm was collecting two to three times as much as the average of the other four law firms we used in Ontario. We dismissed the lowest performing law firm, giving all its business to Todd’s firm. At the end of the 18 months, we boosted Christensen Law Firm’s share. . . to 80 percent, the maximum we will allow.

- Wayne McLeish,B.A., LL.B, President & CEO, DRN Commerce (now FCT Default Solutions)