
Let's Get Started

a quick description of your company and debt collection needs will help you get results FASTER!
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# of acounts for immediate collection
average age of accounts
balance or average balance
expected # of accounts for collection in the next year
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Thank you for expressing interest in our services. A lawyer-client relationship will not exist between us until after we have done a conflict check and then agreed in writing to represent you.

Contingency based collection means that payment for our work is contingent upon our success. If we are unsuccessful in our attempts to collect, you pay no fee. | 519 - 654 - 7350

6616 Ellis Road, Cambridge, Ontario, N3C 2V4


I supervised the legal work of Todd Christensen for The Bank of Nova Scotia’s Regional Collection Centre in Ottawa, Ontario back in 1994-1995. . . . The collection agencies we usually used for the files assigned him regularly settled the claims for a discount and often generated complaints from our customers whose business we hoped to win back when times were better for them. On files agencies would have compromised, Todd recovered not only 100 percent of the amount owing, but also collection costs. And we had not one complaint from our customers about how he treated them.

- Robert Kirby